

當中當然少不了有名的The Phantom of the Opera《歌聲魅影》啦~ 多得25週年紀念版有推出影碟,我們可以欣賞到Ramin Karimloo和Sierra Boggess這對Phantom和Christine的精彩演出。

太多動聽的歌曲了,今天腦海不停想的是Sierra飾演的Christine在劇中被臨時拉出來頂替劇團女主角的演唱,雖然好友Meg說Christine跟優秀的老師學習,但事出突然而且是初試啼聲,緊張是很正常的。所以Christine一開始時聲音也顫抖了,甚至想逃走,不過Madame Giry阻止,然後... 然後就不如看看Sierra的演唱吧。

好喜歡Sierra那些細膩的演技,由眼神、臉部表情,到聲音,都演得自然又可愛。本來很緊張的她,唱了兩句之後,要配合舞步繞一下圍巾,抬起頭來時,鼓起勇氣,聲音不再抖震,整個人好像會發光似的,非常耀眼。This is her shining moment! 影碟版本中,當她換上女主角的衣服時,她還很感激地跟Madame Giry道謝。然後Christine便很享受在舞台上的時刻,舉首投足都很有魅力。到最尾的高音位,她突然又有點少緊張,眼睛在溜溜轉,當唱了一句發現自己做得到時,便安心地再唱高一點點,最後那句高音真是完美!作為觀眾也能感受到Christine的成功和喜悅啊。

Think of Me旋律動聽,不過25週年版本的歌詞好像跟原來有些不一樣。

Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyricist:     Charles Hart

Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye.
Remember me every so often,
Promise me you'll try.
On that day, that not so distant day,
when you are far away and free,
If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me.

And always clear, the way was always clear,
that this was never much to be,
If you happen to remember,
stop and think of me.
Think of August when the world was green.
Don't think about the way things might have been.
Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned.
Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind.
Think of me, please say you'll think of me,
What ever you will choose to do.
There will never be a day when I won't think of you.

Can it be? Can it be Christine?
Long ago, it seems so long ago how young and innocent we were.
She may not remember me but I remember her.

Flowers fade,
The fruits of summer fade,
They have their seaons, so do we.
But please promise me that sometimes you will think of me!

Charles Hart的歌詞真的很優美啊~



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