

上星期跟朋友去看Begin Again(港譯:《一切從音樂再開始》),很舒服的電影,歌曲動聽,最大驚喜是原來Keira Knightley唱歌那麼優美,比很多歌手都要出色。雖然這是一部不錯的電影,但我仍是比較喜歡導演John Carney 2006時執導的那套Once(忘了港譯是什麼,我是2008年時看的)。




"Say it to me now" writer(s): Colm Macconiomaire, Graham Downey, Noreen O'donnell, Glen James Hansard, Paul Brennan, Noreen O. Donnell, David Odlum. (Gosh! 一首歌竟有這麼多人是writers@@)

Scratching at the surface now
And I'm trying hard to work it out
And so much has gone misunderstood
And this mystery only leads to doubt

And I didn't understand
When you reached down to take my hand
And if you have something to say
You'd better say it now

'Cause this is what you've waited for
Your chance to even up the score
And as these shadows fall on me now
I will somehow, yeah

'Cause I'm picking up the message, Lord
And I'm closer than I've ever been before
So if you have something to say
Say it to me now, just say it to me now, now
Oh, oh, oh


雖然Begin Again沒有那份震撼,但也有不少感動位。最喜歡那幕是當失意的唱片監製在酒吧喝醉時聽到Keira唱"A Step You Can't Take Back",腦海自動編起曲來,圍著Keira的鼓、鋼琴、大提琴、小提琴隨著他的意念舞動起來,真是妙不可言!

"A Step You Can't Take Back" writer(s): Danielle Brisebois, Gregg Alexander, John Carney

So you find yourself at this subway
When your world in a bag by your side
And all at once it seemed like a good way
You realized its the end of your life
For what it's worth

Here comes the train upon the track
And there goes the pain it cuts to black
Are you ready for the last act?
To take a step you can't take back

Take in all the punches you could take
Took 'em all right on your chest
Now the countless back is breaking
Again, again
For what it's worth

Here comes the train upon the track
And there goes the pain it cuts to black
Are you ready for the last act?
To take a step you can't take back

Did she love you?
Did she take you down?
Was she on her knees when she kissed your crown?
Tell me what you found

Here comes the rain, so hold your hat
And don't pray to God, cause He won't talk back
Are you ready for the last act?
To take a step you can't take back
Back, back, back
You can't take back
Back, back, back

So you find yourself at this subway
When your world in a bag by your side


Youtube上有那一幕的短片,不過礙於Begin Again仍在上畫就不便分享了,看看trailer吧。(題外話,Mark Ruffalo是為藝術犧牲嗎?後來我看Interview才發現他沒潦倒的鬍子沒啤酒肚,居然是帥哥一名!)

以劇情來說,Once比較raw比較小市民,Begin Again比較亮眼,不過它們都表達了一個共同信訊 ─ 兩個靈魂相近的人,不一定要在一起。

歌曲方面Begin Again比較流行動聽,但其實兩套的歌曲也很不錯。太多音樂人的名字,我就不一一盡錄了,而我的音樂庫又要增加了~



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